Introduction to Self-Hypnosis


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September 29, 2023 | 7:00 – 10:00 pm CET

Webinarroom with Software “”

September 28, 2023 at 10:00 am CET

Text: In hypnosis you get in touch with your unconscious mind. The part of you that makes most of the decisions for you. It takes over when your mind is too tired, stressed or distracted. 
In the unconscious are habits and beliefs that can influence you positively or negatively. And which are often no longer up to date. And therefore have disharmonious effects on your life in many ways.

In this webinar you will learn about different forms of self-hypnosis. You will become familiar with the introduction (induction) into the hypnotic state of mind. With different forms of deepening a hypnotic state. You will learn to build new mental structures in this state with This unconscious mind, which effectively support success, well-being, communication skills and happiness in life. With a simple method, the state of self-hypnosis becomes available to you at any time. Without much preparation. Without lengthy exercises.

Walter Lübeck

122,- € incl. VAT


With Manual