Healing for Your Inner Child | April Intensive


The registration deadline for this seminar/webinar has unfortunately expired.

Webinar 1: April 8, 2021 | 7:00 – 9:30 pm CET
Webinar 2: April 15, 2021 | 7:00 – 9:30 pm CET
Webinar 3: April 29, 2021 | 7:00 – 9:30 pm CET

Webinarroom with Software “Zoom.us”

April 7, 2021 at 10:00 am CET

Relaxation, serenity, vitality and enjoyment – who doesn’t wish for that?
These and other issues such as natural, healthy bodily functions and inner peace, creativity and creative power are provided by the “inner child”.
This term refers to a so-called sub-personality that exists in every human being.
Since the 1960s, progressive psychologists and educators, as well as spiritual life coaches, have been working with the concept of the inner child, because it allows us to understand so much better what disharmonies prevent a person from living truly happy and successful lives. From a spiritual perspective, the inner child is also responsible for what is known as body happiness – our ability to enjoy life through the body.
The inner child perceives life and the world in a completely different way than the rather factually oriented mind we use in everyday life. That’s why it’s so important to build bridges for the mind to understand the inner child and meet its needs.

This monthly intensive is about getting to know the inner child with its needs and talents better.
It is about exercises that help the inner child to participate in daily life and to contribute to a good life with its manifold abilities. In the process, spiritual healing, karmic injuries and difficult childhood situations often occur.
With special exercises from shamanism, breath work, as well as guided mediations, energy transmissions and clearings, the participants receive versatile support for the perception of the inner child and for its harmonious integration into the overall personalities.
Since the inner child is also a person’s bridge to our spiritual being, this monthly intensive will be an important step on the path to the inner light.

The webinars take place on Zoom so everyone can see, hear, and share with each other as needed. There will be the ability to record the webinars so everything can be watched repeatedly for a more lasting impact.

If required, individual coaching sessions with Walter Lübeck can be booked at greatly reduced fees:
120€ p.h. instead of the normal 180€ incl. VAT.
If individual coaching is booked, a minimum of one hour per monthly intensive is required, but no more than 3 hours are possible.
As the number of free appointments per month is limited, it cannot be guaranteed that the booked appointment will take place within the Intensive month. It strongly depends on the number of participants.
That means: If desired, there will definitely be appointment(s) within the Intensive, but these may well take place in the following month.

Walter Lübeck

295,- € inkl. VAT
