Rainbow Reiki® Astrotherapy
150,00 € – 595,00 €
incl. VAT
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June 21, 2025 | 10:00 am – 18:30 pm CET
June 22, 2025 | 10:00 am – 18:30 pm CET
Webinarroom with Software “Zoom.us”
June 19, 2025 at 8:00 pm CET
In astrology, the subpersonalities of man are described by the planets in the horoscope, the asteroids, and important points found by calculation, such as the luck point.
The astrological planetary subpersonalities are archetypal parts of each personality, such as the inner child, the high self and the middle self. This means they are present from conception.
Depending on how upbringing, culture, karmic predispositions, talents, education and opportunities for development give a person the space, these subpersonalities become more or less and more or less well integrated into the overall personality. An essential purpose of human life in the material world, is to discover the different parts of one’s own being and to learn to love them more and more.
This seminar is about specifically activating the potentials defined by the astrological planetary subpersonalities, to complete and stabilize the personal matrix and to connect it more and more with the Divine Matrix.
Through a profound quantum resonance, a heart connection, the subpersonalities are integrated into the overall personality and thus developed into a useful, constructive part of the human being.
For people who, for example, want to bring more order into their lives, it is a good idea to work with the subpersonality Saturn.
Those who want to develop their anima, the feminine part, and find peace with the feminine or go new ways of developing this part, can work, for example, with the astrological planetary subpersonality Venus.
In order to better deal with language, negotiations, communication in general, computers and the Internet, it is a good idea to do something for the astrological planetary subpersonality Mercury.
The inner child can be better lived and integrated, and children better understood and guided, when the astrological planetary subpersonality Moon is supported.
Abundance and prosperity and the ability to be happy with it and enjoy life are brought into the personal life through the astrological planetary subpersonality Jupiter.
Rainbow Reiki® Astrotherapy is a set of unique methods developed by me, which gently and powerfully support a balanced state of mind, help to successfully overcome life crises and challenges, and promote individual talents in their targeted development.
It is in no way necessary to deal with astrology outside of the simple basics and insights taught in the seminar.
Horoscope interpretations are not part of the seminar and are not needed for successful work with the methods of Rainbow Reiki Astrotherapy.
In the seminar there is a lot of practical work with the personal parts and their integration. Besides different methods of the 1st and 2nd degree of Traditional Usui Reiki, which I have developed further and which can be used well for Rainbow Reiki Astrotherapy, different Lemurian mantras and symbols and related energy work of Rainbow Reiki® will be taught.
In detail the following contents will be taught in this seminar…
- The three archetypal subpersonalities and their relationships to the astrological planetary subpersonalities.
- The Lemurian symbols and mantras of Rainbow Reiki® astrotherapy.
- Rainbow Reiki® remote treatment techniques for astrological planetary subpersonalities.
- Methods of systematic chakra treatment for integration and healing of the astrological planetary subpersonalities.
- Rainbow Reiki® KarmaClearing in the context of astrotherapy.
- The mantras of the planets for targeted spiritual personal development.
- Initiations into symbols and mantras of astrological planets, important asteroids, important Arabic points, for example lucky point and love point.
- Initiation into the symbols and mantras of the astrological aspects, constellations and houses.
- Spiritual healing for astrological structures for personality development, targeted harmonization of life crises and the activation of potential.
Walter Lübeck
First Participant: 595,- € incl. VAT
Guest: 150,- € incl. VAT
1st and 2nd degree Rainbow Reiki®