Healing with the powers of the Moon

75,00 249,00 

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The registration deadline for this seminar/webinar has unfortunately expired.

September 14, 2024 | 10:00 am – 7:00 pm CET

Webinarroom with Software “Zoom.us”

Registration Deadline
September 12, 2024 at 8:00 pm CET

The moon, the lunar, accompanies us and shapes life in many ways with her rhythms.
Since time immemorial, wise women and men have known how to use the sacred powers of the Moon and her rhythms for the healing of humans, animals and plants.
This seminar is dedicated to the ancient wisdom around the healing powers of the Moon.
Living in harmony with the Moon is an important part of the path of the great Goddess, the Mother of Life.

The seminar program at a glance…

  • The meanings of the different phases of the moon for health, success and happiness.
  • What healing powers the positions of the Moon in the signs of the zodiac have.
  • The ancient art of corresponding with the healing powers of the moon
  • Three different meditations with the Moon to find and keep love, the harmonization of relationships and to accept yourself
  • Divination with the power of the Moon
  • The preparation of four lunar remedies according to ancient tradition
  • How to ward off disharmonious influences with the powers of the moon

Walter Lübeck

249,- € incl. VAT
Guest: 75,- € incl. VAT
