Aura-/ Chakra Reading – basics

150,00 595,00 

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Guest: I have already attended this event at Walter Lübeck. (!) Attention: This option can only be chosen if you have attended the event at least once within the last 4 years. Otherwise you have to register as „first-time”.

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Trainee: I am taking part in a training by Walter Lübeck, and the indicated seminar is part of my training program: Click the “Trainees, please register here” button.


Trainees, please register here.

May 10, 2025 | 10:00 am – 6:30 pm CET
May 11, 2025 | 10:00 am – 6:30 pm CET

Webinarroom with Software “”

Registration Deadline
May 8, 2025 at 8:00 pm CET

Aura-/Chakralesen, bascis

… and your eyes open to the whole world!
The intensive seminar for the development of the subtle perception

Since the beginning of the nineties I have taught the art of aura/chakra healing which I have developed to thousands of people worldwide in seminars and workshops. With me this potential, which is present in every human being, awakened after my training in the 2nd degree of Reiki. In the following years I explored this new fascinating way of perception and found a simple, reliable way to teach absolutely everybody to read and interpret the aura/chakras. I published this method in my aura healing book in the early 90s. Today it is translated into 15 languages and hundreds of thousands of people all over the world practice according to this system and apply it in all areas of life.

Learning aura/chakrareading naturally requires much more time by book, in self-study, than if it is taught in direct contact in a seminar. And I can teach much more “live” than it is possible in a book. After about 20 minutes of training in the seminar, which is supported by an initiation, every participant can read the subtle energies in the main and secondary chakras as well as the aura fields. In the same way, healing readiness and healing ability, but also for individual organs or diseases can be determined in this way. Then it is time for the systematic interpretation of the astral impressions so that important insights can be gained about the type and extent of blockages, dormant talents and the promising ways to individually shape one’s own life. The participants of the seminar read each other on individually chosen topics and interpret the information thus gained with my help. Besides this very personal application, the method can be used to paint healing pictures of power places, healing stones and spirits such as elves, angels or power animals. Practically applicable spiritual wisdom and detailed explanations of the chakra teachings form the secure foundation of the work.

program overview
• Development of the subtle senses
• Systematic interpreting & reading of the aura fields, the main and secondary chakras in black and white and in colour
• The Oath of Light: Taking responsibility for the application of subtle forces
• Spiritual life coaching with aura/chakra readings: Understanding, learning to accept and daring to try out new ways to happiness
• Painting Chakra Healing Pictures & using them professionally to promote personal development
• Basics and background knowledge about aura and chakras: What are chakras? How do they work? In which way can the subtle energy organs be harmonized best?
• Explanations of the different descriptions of the subtle energy system in the literature.

What can you do after the seminar?
• You know the 10 Golden Rules of Aura/Chakrareading
• You know the powerful oath of light ritual
• You know how aura/chakrareading really works, have already successfully performed this several times and have learned simple rules of interpretation that have been tried and tested for over 20 years in all areas of life.
• You have learnt a versatile and almost arbitrarily expandable system of sSpiritual perception which has been taught and practiced with great success by tens of thousands of light workers, doctors and psychologists worldwide since the beginning of the 90s.
• Aura fields, main chakras, secondary chakras, meridians and energy organs of people, animals and buildings can be read energetically in relation to certain topics directly, i.e. without any further aids.
• Your readings can be interpreted in a life-advising way and, with the appropriate training, also medically and psychologically.
• Determine the functionality of aura fields, main and secondary chakras, meridians and energy organs in relation to certain topics.
• To determine a person’s willingness and ability to heal in relation to certain topics.
• Read and interpret the energy system of people, animals and buildings in relation to hidden sources of power and talents, blockages, internal and external disturbing factors
• You have solid basic knowledge about the spiritual energy system (chakras, aura fields) of humans and animals and its functions in everyday life.
• You can paint aura fields, main and secondary chakras and use these pictures for healing. Of course you can also read your energy system (aura/chakras) yourself.
• You have important, also in everyday life useful basic knowledge.
• You have an extremely effective training program for awakening your spiritual perception in your hands, which has been tried and tested thousands of times over the years.
• You can use aura/chakra readings for life consultations on all topics, also partnership and spiritual path and holistic health care and spiritual healing or Feng Shui.

Please lay ready
Crayons or wax crayons, drawing pad, writing materials
“The Aura Healing Book” and “The Chakra Energy Cards”. Both books do not need to be read before.

Walter Lübeck

first time: 590,- € incl. VAT
guest: 150,- € incl. VAT

The seminar price includes a manual for all participants. For first-time participants, an oath of allegiance and a certificate are included.