What is the Rainbow Reiki® Licensing Program?

Since the beginning of 2014 there is now the Rainbow Reiki® license program and more and more masters teach Rainbow Reiki® in more and more countries of this beautiful world, bring the sophisticated applications to those who want to learn them, enlighten about the problem-solving and happiness-promoting power of the Divine, teach how blockages can be solved with Reiki and avoided in the future.
For me as the founder of the Rainbow Reiki® School, these great successes are of course a great confirmation of this project, which to my knowledge is probably unique in the world of Reiki.

A Rainbow Reiki® Licensing Program?
Everything new is first met with opposition, ridicule, is laughted at and then acceptance…

At the beginning of the Rainbow Reiki® Licensing Program project, there were many attacks, criticisms and accusations from a few representatives of certain circles in the Reiki world.
Even today there are still forums where many lies and malicious things are spread about me and Rainbow Reiki®, as well as the license program and its participants. There I am portrayed as a black magician, a money-grubbing swindler and Rainbow Reiki® as ineffective or even harmful.
I see that loosely, because: Compassion is a gift and envy is something you have to work for! 
And who writes something like this, says a lot about himself and his mental world.
But in fact, literally everything that was greeted with gloating and ridicule at the time has turned out to be very successful and very beneficial for the participants of the license program! 
This is also clearly noticeable at the many fairs, lectures, the letters, where we regularly receive a lot of praise for the high quality of our trainings and applications.

Of course, the Rainbow Reiki® Licensing Program is constantly being developed…

It is very important to me to create the best conditions for those who work professionally with Rainbow Reiki® – and thus to support the spread of the knowledge of the fantastic possibilities that Reiki offers in the best possible way.
There is a lot of misinformation about the Rainbow Reiki® Licensing Program that is still being spread.
And I would like to clarify some important points here….
Question: Who is required to participate in the Rainbow Reiki® Licensing Program?
Answer: Anyone who wishes to teach Rainbow Reiki®, or who wishes to use any of the trademarked terms (registered trademarks) in the name of their business, website, email or Facebook addresses and the like.
Very important: Those who have attended a Rainbow Reiki® seminar and would like to use the new fantastic possibilities of energy work professionally, are welcome to advertise with the seminar attendance, publicly announce to use Rainbow Reiki® in his practice. He is welcome to report publicly about his experiences with Rainbow Reiki®. Here it is in no way necessary to participate in the Rainbow Reiki® licensing program or to pay money to me in any way.

Question: How much does it cost Rainbow Reiki® Masters to participate in the licensing program?
Answer: (Example – 1st Dan Master/Teacher): The annual fee has been 60 € incl. VAT for four years. This just about covers the administrative expenses and some of the costs I have because I do a lot of promotion for the community of Rainbow Reiki® teachers. Furthermore, 90 € incl. VAT for three webinars of about three hours each, in which the current state (teaching content; applications) of the constantly evolving system is taught and explained. 
This way, the people who teach Rainbow Reiki® are always kept up to date and can pass on the great new achievements to their students and apply them in their spiritual practice. 
Furthermore, one visit per year to a presence seminar from 40 € incl. VAT. 
Up to now there were examinations every four years. This is now extended to five years, because the level of training is generally very good. In the new scheme, there will then be EUR 200 plus VAT every five years. These are all fixed costs that are incurred annually.
Added together, these are annually about EUR 240, – including VAT fixed costs.
So much less than a place at a Rainbow Reiki® 1st degree seminar costs (395,- EUR incl. VAT). And everything is of course tax deductible.

Through regular training, Rainbow Reiki® teachers are better than average prepared for their profession, can answer questions well, clarify difficult situations better, and overall help their students much better on their Reiki path. 
In addition, the joint training and regular exchange of experiences promotes community spirit and constructive cooperation, which are very important to us at Rainbow Reiki®.
We have a saying about this: The forest is always much better off than the lonely tree…

Working together with the calling is heart work, I think.

Those who teach Rainbow Reiki® use the extensive original teaching material, which is regularly revised and updated by me. 
Furthermore, each Rainbow Reiki® teacher has the right to use additional teaching material of his or her own, to bring in additional content into each seminar and to give each seminar longer than prescribed. And everyone is allowed to create their own seminars. Oh… I almost forgot! Of course, there are minimum teaching times for each seminar, so that everyone who attends a Rainbow Reiki® seminar can be confident of getting enough teaching time to learn all the great Rainbow Reiki® methods.

Question: Why does the Rainbow Reiki® Licensing Program exist?
Answer: The terms “Reiki”, “Usui Reiki”, “traditional Reiki” are not legally protected in any way and are no longer protectable! Anyone can fill these terms with content as he or she wishes. So tennis rackets or golf courses under these designations offer. 
Therefore there is for example “fast training” with Internet department stores for a few euro, where by means of remote initiation, which perhaps takes place, the illusion of a training, up to the “master”, is created. There are offers under these names, which have nothing at all to do with the work of Mika Usui, there are no quality controls, no obligatory professional standards for Reiki – and I find that very, very sad! I am sad about that.

At the fairs I always meet people who, for lack of better knowledge, have fallen for such, in my opinion, dishonest offers and therefore have a bad opinion of Reiki.
This also harms the colleagues who teach really good Usui Reiki with great commitment and from the heart. 
After all, many prospective students cannot easily distinguish between inferior and high-class Usui Reiki training based on advertisements. And the dedicated Reiki teachers do not deserve that, I think! Unfortunately, due to the lack of legal protection of the terms, this situation with Reiki cannot be changed.

In the last 30 years I have very thoroughly researched the work of Mikao Usui, together with other internationally active Reiki masters, and in this respect I am very well informed about the fantastic legacy that Usui left us. And I have used this research to build the foundation for Rainbow Reiki®.

Because Reiki means so much to me, I don’t want it to end in arbitrariness and fraud.

That’s why I’ve invested a lot of time, money and energy into protecting quality work and dedicated Rainbow Reiki® teachers and spiritual healers, so that the next generation of people who want to learn spiritual energy work based on the work of Mikao Usui can do so with confidence.
Rainbow Reiki®, the logo and important terms of the school, are legally protected registered trademarks in all states of the EU and Norway.

Through the Rainbow Reiki® Licensing Program we have:
an examination regulation
a professional code
a training regulation – like any serious profession.
That is what Reiki is worth to us!

If you have further questions about the Rainbow Reiki® Licensing Program and its fantastic possibilities, I will be happy to answer them or contact our office: seminare@rainbowreiki.net or via the contact form here.

Here you can find a current list of licensed Rainbow Reiki® Masters/Teachers, national and international. 

Warm Regards, Walter Lübeck