Valaya Sarán©

Nice that you have registered for Valaya Sarán© – Awakening Your Heart-Field.

Everything you need to know for the preparation and the process can be found in the PDF that is attached in the email we’ve just sent you. Please read the whole PDF carefully.

Normally the email arrives within a few minutes. Please check your spam folder if it takes longer. Please do not register twice. If you see this page, we have received your registration.

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Please remember to confirm your email address, otherwise you will not receive the newsletter. You have also received an email for this. Again: Please check your spam folder if nothing has arrived yet.

The initiation will take place at 8:00 pm CET.

You won’t receive any further emails, not even after the initiation. This is absolutely not necessary. Be assured, if you have registered, you will be initiated on the date. Unless something very important comes up. There is a note about this in the PDF. You can download the PDF here at any time.

Valaya Sáran – Download PDF

Heartfelt greetings
Walter Lübeck