At the beginning of the year I had posted in the Rainbow Reiki® Germany group on Facebook some tips on Rainbow Reiki® applications and how to support your personal spiritual development. These tips serve as motivation, reminder and are an offer to bring something new into your life for a change.
An example…
Tip No 006 has the following task:
Rainbow Reiki® Power Mental Healing every day for 9 days, for 22 minutes, with the affirmation of Chakra Energy Card No. 53 “I only accept rules that promote my ability to love.” This card is associated with the 4th chakra (heart chakra).
An amazing number of people have responded to it. This is always an indication to me that it is important right now. The feedbacks during the Challenge were for example … “I am clearer”, “I feel a YES”, there were clear indications for individuals on important issues, current conflicts and possible ways out of dead ends.
Explanation of the affirmation of the Chaka energy card 53
To begin with, the text for Card No. 53 from the Chakra Energy Cards Companion Book….
“There are many rules. People spend enormous amounts of time in continually thinking up new ones. If we basically accept or reject rules without examining them to see whether or not they could increase our ability to love, we may spoil our possibilities for development. Examine all rules, methods and instructions, no matter who they come from using the following three criteria:
a) Do they strengthen your ability to live your personal responsibility?
b) Do they help you be more conscious and perceive more of the world? and
c) Can you love more things in the world when you orient yourself according to them – do you feel less aversion, fear, shame, repulsion, or separation in your practical experience?
If one of these three criteria is not fulfilled, this path does not lead you directly to the creative force.“
With kind permission: © Jahr Windpferd Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Aitrang, Walter Lübeck: The Chakra Energy Cards, ISBN 978-3-89385-374-8
If you would like to buy the card set, you can do so through my publisher. Please send a mail to
This affirmation is about two things… on the one hand about rules, guidelines, learned things, about own beliefs and the power of thoughts. On the other hand it is about the ability to love, which can grow through certain rules. And is hindered by other rules.
Rules are our framework in daily life.
Rules are necessary to give us a certain amount of stability in life, especially in dealing with each other. A society without rules means anarchy. Murder, robbery, assault and rape would go unpunished. Every person could do what he wants, as long as a stronger person does not object.
Well, my ideas of how a society should look like are based on my memories of my former lives, among others in Lemuria. (On the subject “Culture and Spirituality of Lemuria” an extensive book of mine will be published in autumn. I am almost finished with the writing).
Thus I cannot gain much from the today usual form of society. For I am of the opinion that it is quite possible to live in a society that is based on mutual cooperation, on mindfulness and on rules that serve the spiritual well-being and the development of every human being.
Rules can give a safe framework to every human being, but every human being is challenged on the other side (and here already begins the so important personal responsibility) to reflect himself, to question, in order to develop within the path of the soul; and thus not to harm the community, but to benefit it.
If you have learned the 2nd degree of Rainbow Reiki and you feel addressed, then I recommend that you simply try this challenge or even repeat it, if you had already participated in February.
If you are initiated into the 2nd degree of the Traditional Usui System, then you can also work with affirmations by means of mental healing.
If you have not taken any Reiki seminars yet, take your time and light an incense candle or a candle if you like. Ask the angels to guide you as you go on the track of your own rules – the meaningful ones and the ones that don’t promote your happiness.
Just write down what comes to your mind.
What rules do you usually follow? And how intensively do they determine your life?
Then take one rule after the other and meditate on each one for a while. Ask your guardian angel to help you. Use Reiki as you have learned to support clarity and love. Pay attention to if and what happens over the next time. For example in your behavior, your thoughts, your routines, your interaction with yourself and others….
Always ask yourself… “Does this rule teach me something in contact with xy concerning awareness, love and self-responsibility?”
Some help for a more detailed feeling into your rules….
- For each rule, try to figure out if it serves your ability to love or not.
- How does this rule make you feel?
- Does its application make you feel “greater” or “smaller”, “expanded” or “cramped”?
- If you feel reduced, meditate on the rule and ask to find guidance that can expand you.
The point is not to banish from your life everything that feels negative, but to find ways out of the darkness into the light, out of the lie of the ego into the truth of the soul.
By the way, the chakra energy cards can help you understand the learning theme associated with an experience. This fits the question: “What spiritual learning theme is revealed to me by experience “X”?
Learning is not always easy. That is, it is quite possible that a situation will be quite unpleasant and you will have to work on yourself for a longer period of time and intensely. And, it is important to do this in order to progress on your soul path. In principle, every encounter, every relationship, every difficult situation can bring you closer to your Divine Being.
The third rule of life of Mikao Usui spontaneously comes to my mind:
Especially today work devotedly (on/with you).
I am deeply grateful for the blessing that Mikao Usui’s work has left us!
What actually is ability for love?
Love is when you are happy with a being, place or experience.
To love, the decision to do so is important. Even if you don’t know the way yet.
Since absolutely everything is creativity, you can begin the task of learning to love anywhere and with anyone.
Whatever you come into contact with – whether you like it or not. It is divine.
By the way, you can also find this content in the Rainbow Reiki® online practice “consistent self-love” on my YouTube channel. It can support you on the topic of “lovingkindness”. You will also receive a whole series of clearings to better engage with this path.
Furthermore, the following Rainbow Reiki® Angel Videos can help you to grow your ability to love through the right rules.
Find True Love – Accept True Love – Live True Love
Rose Quartz
I am
If you are stuck, you know that you can always contact me for a clarifying reading and coaching. Or you decide at this point to start (or continue) with Rainbow Reiki®. Because with the Rainbow Reiki® methods of lightwork you are able to embark on your hero’s journey to yourself largely on your own.
Heartfelt greetings
Your Walter