The Story(s) of my books

The Reiki Handbook, Walter Lübeck, Windpferd Verlag

In 1988 and 1989 I conducted a twelve-month training for friends and acquaintances who were initiated into the first and second degrees of Usui Reiki.
At that time I wrote on my Atari-Computer with a document editor, a real comfortable word processor was available a little later, a thick manuscript with exercises and background information about the Reiki-aapplications I invented and researched. My Reiki friends learned many, many new things back then! Special positions, work with the chakras, meditation, the combination of Reiki with healing stones, aromatic oils and yoga exercises. And still so much more.

In 1989, when I successfully completed my training as a Reiki Master/Teacher with the initiation training, I thought about publishing this manuscript as a book.
First I called the Ansata publishing house in Switzerland, because I appreciated their book cover and the topics of their books very much. The person in charge was very nice. And he told me that the publisher cannot include Reiki books in the program. But he recommended me to get in contact with Windpferd Verlag, because they already have a Reiki book. So I did and had a very nice conversation with the owner of the contract. She requested the manuscript which I sent her, at that time still printed out.  A few days later we spoke on the phone again. And to my great surprise she said that the manuscript would read a bit like a manual for a seminar, but she found it very interesting and exciting. And I still have to work on it a little bit in book form. She gave me a few tips for this. And in six weeks everything should be ready so that it could be published in time for the book fair.

I had not expected that!

My expectation was to be put off with nice words on being ready to write a book in a few years. And now I was off to the Frankfurt Book Fair. With my own book! That was published by a great publishing house.
After I had delivered the finished manuscript, now in book form, the owner of the publishing house asked me to come up with something. Because at that time, booksellers didn’t want to get into the subject of Reiki. So there were only two books on the subject on the German market. And these were mainly sold through seminars on the subject of Reiki.
After meditations, oracle work and repeated contact with my personal angels, who were kind enough to assist me in such matters, I decided to combine a muscle test of Applied Kinesiology and Aura -/Chakra work with Reiki, which I had previously developed and since then used very successfully with many clients. I still teach this, until today extremely successful, application in the first degree Rainbow Reiki®. It is simply great!

At the book fair I offered this special Reiki application to every bookseller and of course to many other readers of the Wind Horse books. And many tried it out and were totally convinced, surprised and enthusiastic!

So my books went into the bookstores in piles and the way was paved for other authors who wanted to write about Reiki.

Since then, the Reiki Handbook has been sold well over 100,000 times in Germany and translated into over ten languages. Among others in: English, Dutch, Polish, Czech, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Greek, Hungarian, and several Indian languages. In the Reiki Manual, applications with Reiki in combination with aromatic oils, crystals, yoga positions are explained. There are many important things about the chakra teaching, a long list of special positions, the positions of the whole body application. The practice of Reiki Meditation, Reiki with plants and animals and different methods for finding disturbances in the spiritual energy system are explained. A long chapter with frequently asked questions and answers helps with orientation and uncertainty. And to deepen the topics addressed in the book, there is an annotated bibliography. As well as various pendulum boards.

Over the decades, the Reiki Handbook has become a basic reading for Reiki beginners and advanced students alike.

Many Reiki Masters/Teachers still distribute this book as a manual for their first degree seminars. The illustrations said at the time for some excitement among many Reiki Users, because the people in the drawings are undressed. Well, I find that this is the best way to determine where the hands should be placed. And besides, I like the human body. At that time this was not yet known everywhere and there were great advantages, so I was attacked sharply by many Reiki teachers. Never by the students, because they were happy to be able to read something about the topic, which helped them to understand their beloved Reiki even better and to use it even more successfully.

To this day I still believe that traditions should serve people, not people serving traditions! However – there was never a tradition that nothing should be written about Reiki. This was an invention that was only created in the West.
In the meantime I have written eight more books about Reiki. And each one contains different topics, offers different ideas. Even today I still recommend the Reiki Handbook with pleasure. Because it is as up-to-date in this time as it was in 1990 when it was first published.

Here you can order the Reiki handbook via amazon:
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