The Kurama Mountain Meditation in Rainbow Reiki®

… or what makes Rainbow Reiki® so important in today’s world – and for your life?

In the 1st Degree of Rainbow Reiki®, the Kurama Mountain Meditation is taught by all licensed Rainbow Reiki® Masters. 
Through this unique mystical experience, the spiritual power of the Reiki symbol is used to resonate with Kurama Mountain near Kyoto, where Mikao Usui received initiation from the Creative Power into the method he later taught.

Kurama Mountain is a special place

… with beautiful and special flora and fauna, with a wild and powerful natural landscape into which many temples and shrines are built. 
Several times I have visited this very special place for probably all people who are enthusiastic about Reiki. And I have always been fascinated by its uplifting aura, the lightness of heart that it gives, and have wished to be able to share it with my students, without the great effort and expense of travel.
A few years ago I undertook a shamanic astral journey to the spiritual power sources of Kurama Mountain and was allowed to meet the sacred beings of this place again. 
They made the suggestion to provide a special method of energy work for the Rainbow Reiki® School. Because they very much wish that as many people as possible directly participate in the energy from which Mikao Usui created his system of energy work. 

It is an important time in which we live.

And there are great challenges for all of us; important decisions must be made and lived consistently. The light beings of Kurama Mountain know this. This is, as far as I know, a major reason why they gave Mikao Usui the great gift that is used today around the world for spiritual healing.

With the Kurama Mountain Meditation you can connect to this sacred place yourself

… pass on the blessing of this place and thus awaken the divine in yourself and others and integrate it more into your daily life. because to give the blessing is to receive the blessing!
In addition, Kurama Mountain meditation helps you to transform negative emotions into loving and constructive mental emotions, to find solutions to problems in terms of the divine order, to reduce stress, and to bring the Reiki power within you to unfold and further strengthen your healing powers in this regard.

Reiki has so much more to offer than “just” the initiation into the three degrees!

At a recent trade show, someone said to me, “Why should I learn Rainbow Reiki®? I already have the three degrees! To this I replied, “You have spent six days learning about Reiki, and I have been engaged in its study every day of my life for over 30 years, learning every day, and knowing there is much more to the legacy of Usui than can be discovered in one lifetime.
As in any other school of spirituality, withReiki it is absolutely necessary to learn, to research, to understand, to go deeper and deeper into resonance. 
The seminars with the initiations are simply the beginning! They are only the starting line! And then there is more to discover than you can do in a lifetime, and every day is full of miracles if you allow yourself to learn. Reiki is not just the initiations into the three degrees and a “little laying on of hands and drawing symbols”. 

Reiki is a full spiritual path if you are willing to engage in it.

The Kurama Mountain meditation helps you transform your ego – what moves you, from fear and greed to love and joy – and let your soul shine. 
We have known what this place can do since Mikao Usui told us about it. And we experience the wonderful effects of his shamanic self-initiation at this place of power in our daily Reiki practice.

If you want to create even more wisdom and healing power through the intense resonance with Usui’s power source, the place where everything began that has to do with Reiki, learn the 1st Degree Rainbow Reiki® and use the Kurama Mountain Meditation as so many others around the world are already doing. From Argentina and Chile, to the USA, Scandinavia, Germany and Mongolia!
Rainbow Reiki® is the next big step on the Reiki path for more and more people who really care about Reiki.
Because Reiki is too precious not to learn more about it every day!
That’s why I have been researching the legacy of Mikao Usui for over 30 years and making the results of my work available to those to whom Reiki is also so important.


Check my events calendar to see when the next webinar for the 1st Degree in Rainbow Reiki® will be.