The Great Transformation – A Society in Appreciative Coexistence

March 2021 – On the visible return of the light I would like to go into more detail on another perspective of the current topic “transformation”.

In my view, the point of the current global situation is to call for a great transformation.

It is, among other things, about creating a society that lives more with each other, rather than everyone for themselves – with heartfelt appreciation in all forms for people, animals, the earth and nature.

The profound transformational energy that is affecting everyone now and for some time to come triggers deep fears and insecurities. In my opinion, everyone, without exception, has a wound in this regard, or perhaps several – I do too. In society, change always begins with the individual, his or her view of self and the world. Don’t wait for society to change, it will happen slowly and maybe not in a direction you find comfortable. Better take responsibility for your life yourself by changing and following your heart, your wisdom, your soul more and more.

How can not follow fear and love at the same time – it is now a time of decision.

Don’t blame Corona, because Corona has opened the doors wide:
• The thinned out contact on the outside is your chance to heal your emotions through the withdrawal”prescribed by society’s reaction to the virus.
• The lockdown, the restrictions of basic rights, is a door opener for the development of true freedom within yourself, if you use it as a retreat, meditate and seek answers in prayer – instead of going crazy.
• The – supposed or actual – chaos on the outside gives you the opportunity to make peace on the inside with yourself, the past and the here and now.
• As long as you consider an other as a problem and not the situation in which all are, the fear wins!

Your personal development in this time is decisive for the development of the future community.

That is at least my opinion, my experience. With personal responsibility, love and consciousness (ELB principle) people have asserted themselves in very bad situations, have survived, and have helped others to successfully ward off the dangers of a threatening time. The members of any group can do much to provide security and other resources in a difficult time. In this way, the group becomes an essential part of the social home.

What does such a setting mean in concrete terms?

Being with and for each other means, among other things, being able to make meaningful compromises and to develop a good sense of when this is necessary and when you need to remove yourself from a group because – with all good will – it no longer suits you.
The difference is important when you have to stand up for yourself, when the group comes first and when a reasonable compromise brings the best result for all involved. This takes a lot of intuition and seeing with your heart full of compassion.

But listening is also of great importance – paying attention to yourself, your heart, and your counterpart. Impatience, wanting to push through one’s own opinion, patriarchal hierarchical behavior, ego-driven motivation (fear and greed) and similar issues hinder listening, compassion, kindness and thus important qualities that enable constructive togetherness.
Without honest attention, relationships become one-way streets. You may know this from your own everyday life, from relationships in private as well as in business. Honest attention means giving space so that important and difficult things can be said without hasty judgment, running one’s mouth or other communicative bad habits. This alone, as we have all experienced in recent months, is a difficult lesson. And it is only one of many in this great transformation.

It is “five to twelve” for the great group of humanity to learn to relate to each other in kindness, compassion and love.

Within a group, each individual has his or her strengths and weaknesses. Knowing these, one’s own and those of the group, is of great advantage, because in this way energy and time-consuming disputes can be avoided. And everyone can better contribute to the group’s projects. This is good for everyone.
Consciousness is an important aspect – because only what you perceive, you can change, enjoy. Awareness always starts with yourself. If you don’t know yourself, you can’t contribute meaningfully to a group. In meditation, and the attentive encounter with others, you get to know yourself. Spiritual philosophy helps you to better understand the structures of personality, of life.
In every family, the relationships between individuals are the foundation for the important functions of the group. Everybody knows this. Those who think only of themselves, without considering the benefit of the group in a win-win relationship, disturb the community and contribute to its destruction.

Use this really important chance in this difficult time, which can be a spiritual retreat for you, and turn to the spiritual you, the love and the light.

Go regularly into stillness and listen to your heart, the ground station of your soul.  With my webinars, my spiritual free online practice, my Youtube channel, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages as well as personal coaching via Skype or Zoom, I am doing my part to give support for personal spiritual growth during this time. Furthermore, you are sure to find licensed Rainbow Reiki® Masters or Master Healers in your area who can provide you with expert spiritual support.
Here you can look in the list…

I wish you a peaceful, healthy and creative March.

Heartfelt Greetings from Walter Lübeck