What actually happens to me in spiritual coaching?
Well, for now nothing medical!
My special services include finding the real causes of problems in life through aura-/chakra reading, rainbow channelling, clairvoyance, oracle work (chakra energy cards, runes, tarot, I Ging) and reading the Akashic Chronicle.
I harmonize these blockages with Rainbow Reiki®, methods of the Whitefeather Shamanic School®, angel work, mantras, spiritual NLP and Rainbow Quantum Healing. For “housework” I create spiritually healing chakra pictures and initiate into suitable mantras.
My spiritual coaching sessions are very intensive and effective. I assign only a few appointments per month. The spiritual coachings take place via Skype or Zoom, in German or English.
– A conversational coaching costs 200,-EUR/ 60 minutes (incl. VAT), billing per 5 minutes or part thereof.
– Shamanic hypnosis coaching costs EUR 297,- / 60 minutes (incl. VAT), billing per 5 minutes or part thereof.
– Business Coaching, including Shamanic Hypnosis Coaching, costs from 488,- EUR / 60 minutes (plus VAT), billing per 5 minutes or part thereof.
For a more detailed explanation of the individual coaching offers:
In coaching with a focus on conversation, I ask you proven questions to get you thinking and to come up with new solutions to old problems. You get tips and tricks to eliminate conflicts and difficulties. There are reading tips and other important information to make life easier.
Furthermore, we can also have a strategy conversation to determine how much coaching you need, to distinguish acute from chronic problems and to find out if my coaching offer makes sense for you. After this strategy conversation, a decision can be made about how often and what coaching interventions are appropriate for you.
For solving larger problems I usually use the methods of shamanic hypnosis coaching. For this, higher prices apply (see above), because my effort is much more comprehensive.
However, it is quite possible that conversational coaching is the method of choice for you. For example, when accompanying book projects, marketing campaigns, orientation in new phases of life, accompanying education and training or relationship coaching. In other words, when it comes to dealing with communication better and more successfully.
If it is a business coaching in the narrower sense, which means you want guidance, support, supervision, conflict resolution or simply more success for your self-employment or as a manager, then a different pricing applies (see above). Depending on the effort and the extent of the responsibility, I will make you an individual offer, after having discussed in strategy meetings exactly what is at stake and what I can contribute to your support.
Usually people come to me who have already tried “everything” else in vain. Often I can do a lot of good. There is always homework for my clients, so that they learn step by step how to help themselves better and better.
If you would like to know more, please contact me…
An example from my practice on the topic of “vocation” for spiritual coaching…
A client has felt uncomfortable with her profession for years. But she does not know what else she could do. That is the problem she comes to me with.
In the first session I do various aura-/chakra teachings on professional topics, channelling her guardian angel so that his important wisdom is taken into account in the consultation. Through a reading of the Akashic Chronicle, I find unresolved issues regarding the vocation from past lives (karma).
In the second session… followed a series of complex energetic clearings with Rainbow Reiki® methods to free your energy system from unnecessary ballast and obstructive blockages. In addition, I conduct shamanic astral journeys of the Whitefeather Shamanic School® for her to release creativity and dormant potentials.
In the third session… she gets in contact with a power animal, a special spirit guide. He will help her with words and deeds to find her vocation and to live successfully and happily.
With the help of my own developed methods of Spiritual NLP (DreamLines) my client gets good energies and stabilizing experiences from parallel lives to have a particularly positive start into her professional future. Thereby, hindering beliefs emerge.
These are harmonized by Rainbow Reiki® Wizard applications and replaced by constructive inner attitudes, which the client has chosen herself.
All this can be realized in 3 to 4 hours with good cooperation of the client.
It can do so much good to work with the “Celestial Helpers”.
Heartfelt greetings