Reiki – hole body treatment in 20 minutes?

Every Reiki practitioner knows how effective and important the Reiki whole treatment is, especially in cases of deep disharmonies. It is especially helpful if special positions and healing stones are included in the whole body treatment. However, since the Reiki full body treatment takes about an hour to complete, each special position of 20 to 30 minutes is often difficult to accommodate in today’s crowded everyday life.

This is how often users fall asleep in more than a dozen positions during the tedious procedures of laying on of hands, get muscle pain due to unfamiliar postures. That is why the Reiki whole treatment is unfortunately too seldom used in the hectic everyday life of our time, although it would be so beneficial and helpful. And even if a family member trained in the Reiki method supplies himself with the universal life energy – there is rarely time for the rest of the loved ones.

But Reiki could – and should – help everyone to feel better.

With Marayana Sayi® this – and so much more – is now possible. Especially difficult is the integration of the conventional Reiki whole treatment and the complementary special positions in the practice of a spiritual healer. On the one hand, a practice needs a certain hourly rate in order to survive economically, on the other hand, the budget of the clients who are treated with Reiki in a practice is quite limited, especially in today’s often difficult economic situation.

But now healers and clients no longer have to be deterred by time limits from intensive spiritual healing with Reiki. Marayana Sayi® not only offers a way out of the dilemma of wanting to help and not being able to, but also opens up a completely new dimension of Reiki applications. What can the new Rainbow Reiki® complete treatment Marayana Sayi® do?

The Marayana Sayi® at a glance

Time required for the practitioner: Approximately two to four minutes for a Rainbow Reiki® full body treatment with 17 positions, including special positions. After the initial setup of the Marayana Sayi®, the user does not need to do anything, think about anything specific, or lay his hands on the treatment. He can simply wait for the end of the 20-minute Reiki light bath – or additionally place his hands on special parts of the client’s body or perform an additional Reiki application.

Time commitment for the client: About 24 minutes, depending on whether the preparation includes special positions or only the 17 basic positions are given.

The special effect of Marayana Sayi®

Since all 17 basic positions as well as additional special positions are simultaneously supplied from the previously created Reiki energy depots, each position is simultaneously supplied with universal live energy for 20 minutes! This results in a distinctly holistic effect structure of the Reiki light work.

The success of the Reiki application is due to the enormous synergy effects – all important energy organs, reflex zones, main and side chakras, nerve nodes, glands and functional circuits are simultaneously supplied with Reiki! This leads to a more intensive effect, at least 10 times more intensive than the conventional Reiki whole body application, according to the experience of users.

If the energetic light patterns of healing stones, scented oils and special positions are included, the energetic effect is greatly increased once again. Grounding problems occur only very rarely and when in a weakened form. The smoothing of the aura can be saved in most cases.

Remote power transmission

Marayana Sayi® applications can be sent over any distance to one or more people at the same time. Of course the user can also take care of himself with the Reiki light bath in this way. The simultaneous treatment of Marayana Sayi® for several persons makes the Reiki light bath really “family-friendly”. Because with more relaxation, leisure time is simply more suitable for happiness.

A heart for animals!

Even animals can be directly included in the Marayana Sayi®. The different anatomy of humans does not need to be taken into account by the user. Marayana Sayi® independently designs the Reiki application according to the needs of the body of the respective animal. Thus, people can enjoy the Marayana Sayi® group application together with animals.

And there is much more…

In the Marayana Sayi® method there is also a macro-function, with which special positions, once set up, can be stored and practically “at the push of a button” with a simple, clear designation can be integrated into the application.

This saves a lot of time for building up extensive special positions and leaves more time to enjoy and relax.
With the Shalaya Sayi technique, which is part of the Marayana Sayi®, energetically separated subpersonalities can be gently and effectively integrated again.
Like shamanic soulhunting – only much easier and time saving, and with Reiki!
With the Noetic Healing Songs, Reiki can be used in a particularly targeted manner.
The special Maryana Sayi® Water, always freshly activated with a Noetic Mantra, revitalizes the energy body and increases the vibration.
It also helps to release useless energies and thus become free of ballast.

Reason for the duration of 20 minutes

In my experience, the 20-minute period for the new Rainbow Reiki® Marayana Sayi complete treatment is an archetypal recovery time appropriate to the body’s functions. A short sleep of 20 minutes is very relaxing and refreshing. This was first explained in detail by the well-known psychologist and book author Ernest Rossi, a student and collaborator of Milton Erickson, the ingenious trance therapist, in his book “The 20 minute break”.

This resting time structure, familiar to the body, is used in the new Rainbow Reiki® complete treatment Marayana Sayi® for optimized Reiki application. The result is an even more holistic, deeper, harmonious and intensive wellness effect. The Marayana Sayi® has now moved into every Rainbow Reiki® school and has been successfully applied there for several years

Learn Marayana Sayi!
Marayana Sayi® is part of the 1st degree Rainbow Reiki® Seminar.