I declare that the arrival and departure as well as the participation in this event is entirely at my risk. Any liability on the part of the organizer, the organizer or the speaker is excluded.
I am aware that in the context of this event no medical diagnosis will be made or therapies in the medical sense will be prescribed or applied. If I am under psychiatric treatment, have been recently, or suffer from a serious illness, I will discuss my participation in this event with my attending physician.
Please note:
Do not drink alcohol or use other intoxicating drugs on seminar days. The seminars are very intensive. Make sure to get enough sleep and if at all possible, do not make tight deadlines. This way you will get the most out of this event.
The techniques and information presented in the manual to be given to me and the seminar that goes with it, cannot and should not be used as medical therapy or to make medical diagnoses!
The techniques and information presented in the manual to be handed over to me and the seminar belonging to it, may be used only within the framework of the laws and regulations valid for the professional medical science! The techniques and information presented in the manual to be handed over to me and the seminar belonging to it are neither scientifically proven nor provable. They are based exclusively on personal experiences of the author and users.
The techniques and information presented in the manual to be handed over to me and the associated seminar are intended to serve the further education and personal information of interested parties.
The author of the manual to be handed over to me, the distributor and the seminar leader expressly exclude any liability with regard to the seminar contents, also in particular for certain events and effects as well as for the non-occurrence of events and effects.
We expressly recommend to consult a state-licensed medical doctor in case of suspected illness.