
02. - 03. July 2022


10:00 AM - 6:30 PM

Rainbow Reiki® 2nd degree

June 30, 2022 at 20:00 pm CET

The 2nd degree of Rainbow Reiki® cannot be compared to any traditional Reiki seminars, therefore many Usui Reiki masters also use the opportunity to expand their knowledge by attending Rainbow Reiki® training courses. Of course you don’t need to be an Usui Reiki master to attend a Rainbow Reiki® 2nd degree seminar. Having been trained in Usui Reiki 1st degree or Rainbow Reiki® 1st degree is fully sufficient as a prerequisite for attending the Rainbow Reiki® 2nd degree seminar. You get a variety of other techniques and possibilities: It is best to look at the exact description.

Find out more and register here