Rainbow Reiki® Advanced Metaphysical Healing

150,00 595,00 

Attention: Please, read the terms and conditions carefully

First-time: I have never attended this event at Walter Lübeck before.

Guest: I have already attended this event at Walter Lübeck. (!) Attention: This option can only be chosen if you have attended the event at least once within the last 4 years. Otherwise you have to register as „first-time”.

Guest (external): I have not attended this event at Walter Lübeck, but at a training institute licensed by him. (!) Attention: This option can only be chosen if you have attended the event at least once within the last 4 years. Otherwise you have to register as „first-time”.

Trainee: I am taking part in a training by Walter Lübeck, and the indicated seminar is part of my training program: Click the “Trainees, please register here” button

Trainees, please register here.

March 15, 2025 | 10:00 am – 6:00 pm CET
March 16, 2025 | 10:00 am – 6:00 pm CET

Webinarroom: Software “Zoom.us”.
After registration you will receive a link for easy participation.

Requirement: DSM 1

Registration deadline
March 13, 2025 at 8:00 pm CET

For advanced students – harmonizing back problems in a spiritual way.

Advanced Metaphysical Healing was founded by Duff Cady at the end of the 1990s. I met this fascinating person and great healer in the early 2000s when I gave presentations and seminars at the International Reiki Retreat in New York. He healed problems with vertebrae and chronically tense muscles virtually *in passing“. It was fascinating to watch!

Some years later it was possible for him to visit my Rainbow Centre in Hamelin. Here he taught his entire system called Advanced Metaphysical Healing and also trained teachers for it. I translated his manual and his seminars and together we worked on the integration of the Rainbow Reiki® methods into Advanced Metaphysical Healing. In this way a much more efficient system was created in careful cooperation, which is especially suitable for harmonizing problems with chronically tense muscles and the spine.

Advanced Metaphysical Healing uses the power of Rainbow Reiki® and unique methods of spiritual energy work along with ancient Indian mantras.

Without mechanical effort vertebrae are brought back into their original spot by the body itself, chronically tensed muscles finally let go and the natural flow of energy starts again.

It is so incredible, you have to experience it for yourself, and even then it seems like a dream. In my opinion, Advanced Metaphysical Healing might also be called miracle healing!

During the seminar we will do a lot of practical work. There will also be an initiation into the use of important tools for energy work. A special emphasis is placed on the sustained processing of conflicts that may have contributed to the problems affecting the postural and musculoskeletal system.

For the purpose of harmonizing deeper problems there will be special methods for forgiveness and opening the heart. In most cases, displaced vertebrae and intervertebral discs as well as chronically tense muscles can be permanently restored to their natural order within a few minutes.
Since this is done purely on an energetic basis and the client’s organism is only stimulated to use its self-healing powers, Advanced Metaphysical Healing is completely risk-free and can also be applied to clients with osteoporosis and other problems.

Walter Lübeck

First Participant: 595,- € incl. VAT
Guest: 150,- € incl. VAT

Rainbow Reiki® 2nd degree

Add ons
The seminar price includes a manual for all participants and a certificate for first-time participants.