Rainbow Reiki 2nd degree
150,00 € – 930,00 €
incl. VAT
Attention: Please, read the terms and conditions carefully
First-time: I have never attended this event at Walter Lübeck before.
Guest: I have already attended this event at Walter Lübeck. (!) Attention: This option can only be chosen if you have attended the event at least once within the last 4 years. Otherwise you have to register as „first-time”.
Guest (external): I have not attended this event at Walter Lübeck, but at a training institute licensed by him. (!) Attention: This option can only be chosen if you have attended the event at least once within the last 4 years. Otherwise you have to register as „first-time”.
Trainee: I am taking part in a training by Walter Lübeck, and the indicated seminar is part of my training program: Click the “Trainees, please register here” button.
Reiki Training – Rainbow Reiki® 1st and 2nd degree
Dates and details of the Reiki Training
Rainbow Reiki® 2nd degree
April 5, 2025 | 10:00 am – 6:30 pm CET
April 6, 2025 | 10:00 am – 6:30 pm CET
+ 3 hours evening webinar (Date will be coordinated at the weekend)
Participation in the Reiki Training
Webinarroom: Software “Zoom.us”. You will receive a link for easy participation.
Registration deadline: April 3rd, 2025 at 8:00 pm CET
Seminar content of the hole Reiki Training at a glance
Rainbow Reiki® 2nd degree
Systematically aligning the structures of your life towards happiness, success and well-being with this exclusive spiritual methods.
Reiki Training Rainbow Reiki® 2nd degree – A system of spiritual light work
Rainbow Reiki® is a system of spiritual healing energy and light work that has been developed by Walter Lübeck since 1987. Thus, in the last 25 years a number of new applications and upgrades have been added to the system. Through a number of international contacts, including to Japan, China and India, and due to thorough research, Rainbow Reiki® has become an internationally acknowledged professional method of energetic healing and personal development. Tens of thousands of healers worldwide have learned and successfully apply Rainbow Reiki®.
Rainbow Reiki® 2nd Degree is not comparable to traditional Reiki seminars, which is why many Usui Reiki Masters also take the opportunity to expand their knowledge by attending Rainbow Reiki® trainings. But of course you do not have to be a Usui Reiki Master to attend Rainbow Reiki® 2nd Degree. A training in the 1st degree of Rainbow Reiki® is completely sufficient as a prerequisite for participation in the seminar.
Everything important will be thoroughly explained during the seminar and the techniques will be practiced under personal guidance of Walter Lübeck. Moreover, there will be a detailed seminar manual with over 140 A4 pages, a set of Chakra Energy Cards (including a book) and access to various video tutorials.
Included in the Rainbow Reiki® 2nd degree there is, among other things, another initiation and more information about a variety of other Rainbow Reiki® techniques which will soon seem indispensable to you because they are so useful in making your life more worth living, healthier and more successful.
One important fundament of the 2nd degree Rainbow Reiki® are five lemurian symbols and mantras with extraordinary spiritual powers:
The lemurian symbol for the awakening and development of the 6th chakra. It reconnects different parts of the body with the harmonizing, regulating, spiritual powers of the 6th chakra. Orientation difficulties in life will be resolved, so that it is easier to find the right friends, the right job, the “dream partner”, the individually suitable home and the members of one’s soul family. The symbol supports understanding spiritual wisdom and the development of the soul potential. It might also be helpful in coming to terms with the roots of chronic diseases.
A lemurian symbol to support the natural flow of life on all levels. To dissolve congestions in the chakras and the aura. To overcome motivational blockages, to get out of the dead ends of life, to dissolve low moods and to get up to do what is needed for more happiness, health and success in life.
The lemurian symbol for strengthening the center – the Hara and the 3rd chakra. In my experience this is especially important for highly sensitive, highly mediumistic and spiritually gifted children as well as for people who do a lot of energy work and mediumistic work. This symbol might deepen meditations and have a positive effects on sleeping and recovery times.
The lemurian symbol of the Medicine Buddha Yakushi Nyorai. This symbol invokes the powerful healing energies of the Medicine Buddha. It supports all kinds of spiritual healing and the work with the Medicine Buddha mantra.
The lemurian symbol for the transfer of healing vibrations. This symbol could also be used, for example, to send energies of flower essences, crystals or herbs via the Rainbow Reiki® distant treatment.
A Mental Healing in only 30 seconds? Experiencing a significant physical strengthening that can be noticeably experienced – and even be given to others – in just a few seconds? Gently and safely stimulate the kundalini power and support spiritual development for yourself and others? This and more is now possible with the completely new applications of the three symbols of the the 2nd degree of Traditional Usui Reiki – made accessible by new Rainbow Reiki® initiations. The legacy of Usui is a treasure chamber of spiritual healing.
Program Overview
• Symbols workshop: Explanation & translation of the symbols & mantras of the 2nd degree of Usui Reiki
• Aura strengthening Reiki
• Power boost
• Distant treatment for individuals & groups
• Falayna Say: The ultimate distant treatment with incredible new possibilities: For example, soul light mantras and downloading true emotions (based on love) from the Seven Heavens. Thus, love, pleasure and meaning can replace negative emotions that could otherwise dominate a situation.
• Mental Healing with & without affirmation as well as selecting affirmations with the “Chakra Energy Cards”
• Room cleansing & the Rainbow Reiki® Shower
• Preparation & application of Reiki amulets
• Rainbow Reiki® Crystal Activation
• Holistic conflict resolution
• Basic principles of working with power places
• The HUNA model of the human being
• Blockages and guardian programs: their origin and how to heal them
• Working with the Inner Child & Higher Self
• Time delayed Rainbow Reiki® distant treatment into the past and future
• Working with angels for personal development and healing
• Rainbow Reiki® Karma Clearing
• Development of the subtle perception
• Basic principles of Rainbow Reiki® Feng Shui
• Initiation into 5 lemurian Rainbow Reiki® symbols and mantras
• Harmonization of relationships on a material and psychological level
• Harmonization of the pelvis
• Harmonization of the navel and its interference field
• Harmonization of the Atlas vertebrae
• Harmonization of the brainstem (energetic cleansing)
• Harmonization of the jaw joints
• The method of Psychoharmony: Reducing the negative effects of stressful experiences and working through fears and insecurities
Please note: All methods described here are not meant to be a substitute for a visit to the doctor and may only be used within the framework of the current laws in force! We explicitly point out to consult a state-approved physician in case of serious illnesses.
Walter Lübeck
First participant: 930,-€, incl VAT.
Guest: 150,-€, incl VAT.
The seminar price for first-time participants includes the following:
– Certificate
– Manual
– Access to the exclusive Facebook group “Rainbow Reiki® USA”
1st degree of Rainbow Reiki®
Please buy an English version of the Chakra Energy Cards Set. It is needed for the webinar:
„The Chakra Energy Cards”
Healing Words for Body, Mind and Soul for All Forms of Energy Healing and Reiki Treatments with Energy-seals
by Walter Lübeck – LOTUS PRESS