Thousands of spiritual people from all over the world have already accessed the wonderful gift of “Valaya Sarán© – Heart Field Awakening” since its launch just before Christmas. The number of registrations was and is overwhelming for me. The registrations come not only from the German area. But also from Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Norway, Finland, Italy, Sweden, Poland, the Netherlands, England, the USA, Brazil, Mongolia, the Czech Republic, the Canary Islands, Cyprus, Argentina, Scotland, France, Portugal, Iceland, India, Chile and Venezuela.
This touches me deeply and I am very grateful. So much heart opening from people who finally want to move forward on their soul paths, so much light….
You, who have already participated and activated the personal heart power, contribute in my opinion worldwide to the fact that more and more soul families can come together and change with their high vibrational energy the life structures of our world to the true, beautiful and good. The spiritual energies of love, devotion and self-responsibility can work against war, coercion and hardship.
Valaya Sarán© can move meaning and divine values back to the center of interest in society.
Called together, the Divine can be especially healing for all of us – humans, animals, plants.
What exactly does “Valaya Sarán© – Awaken Your Heart Field” do?
- You get a closer connection with your Guardian Angel,
- Strengthening of your inspiration and intuition
- A brighter mood
- Harmonizing loneliness and finding your soul family
- Learning to perceive yourself really are
- Your divinity becomes more perceptible to you. You can allow it more easily and enjoy it more successfully.
Miracles are waiting for you, because you go into stronger resonance with these gifts of the divine. And – you don’t need to believe anything! Valaya Sarán© does not require any connection to a sect, church, religion. Valaya Sarán© is a spiritual connection to the truth of nature within you and around you. Just as nature has been working at its best for billions of years, its wisdom can also support you.
People long for the really big moments, the peak experiences – vacations, celebrations, promotions, praise, children, retirement, marriage, the New Year’s Eve party.
If I achieved “X”…! Then…!
Yes – then what?
The truth is, life happens in the moments between the big events. Most of what matters in your life takes place outside the few “wonderful hours”.
That is the reason why since ancient times spiritual teachings have imparted wisdom that helps to lighten everyday life, fill it with warmheartedness and the beneficial presence of the Divine. For your path should be paved with light and love. Not merely with rest periods that will — probably — only appear at long intervals.
Just imagine you could — at any given time — take the conscious decision to immerse yourself in Divine bliss. Imagine you could forever dip into it, recover, recharge, calm down and receive invaluable “downloads” from the Divine source whenever you need.
Overall(!) — life will finally become lighter, happier.
It will be so much easier for you to tune into your soul path.
As it happens, the above mentioned Vibration of Happiness that belongs to the Heart-Field is exactly the frequency at which you can enjoy the contact with your Guardian Angel in the best way. And yes, there are male and female angels….
I know this because I have been able to perceive these celestial beings since I was two years old.
So, who is the Guardian Angel?
Basically, he or she is a divine being that always stands by your side once you make the decision to walk the path in life your soul is longing for. The Guardian Angel will always support you, provided that you follow the three divine guideposts — joy, love and meaningfulness. And the Guardian Angel endeavors to attract your attention if you deviate from your path. Then he/she provides you with information, experiences that help you with your spiritual direction, getting you back in line with your soul path…
And your perception of the messages from the Guardian Angel becomes a lot clearer the more you are in your heart’s Vibration of Happiness….
Where does Valaya Sarán come from?
My spirit guides provide me with valuable suggestions during my daily meditations.
For several years now they have systematically paved the way with initiations, exercises and the revelation of past-life memories for me to take this tremendous next step of making the Vibration of Happiness – Valaya Sarán© – accessible to you.
The term Valaya Sarán© comes from a temple language of the highly spiritual culture of Lemuria which disappeared 12,000 years ago. There I spent several beautiful and very happy lifetimes as spiritual teacher and healer.
Over the last few months the project has been brought to its final phase for now.
The Angel-Light videos on my YouTube channel are also part of this.
During these difficult times they will help those of you who would like to invite and need the necessary support to implement the comprehensive transformation in the easiest, most complete and fastest way possible.
The meaning of Valaya Sarán:
Kind, gracious smile of the Goddess
(Mother of Life, Mother Nature).
The gifts Valaya Sarán© has for you…
It will support the spiritual power of your heart. This is similar to filling up a bottomless pit.
With each practice you fill your heart with Divine Bliss, also known as Ananda in India. To be more accurate — you are opening your heart to it.
Eventually a threshold will be crossed and a huge, beautiful change, transformation, will be offered to you. However, the process of replenishment already initiates many spiritual healing processes in you on different levels. What happens for you here is a very personal, individual matter.
Just notice the minor and major miracles happening to your life “by chance”.
And if you like, just say: “Yes!” and “Thank you!”.
New application examples…
I get a lot of WONDERFUL feedback after the initiations, among other things with completely new application possibilities, and I have the permission to share these with you … this is swarm intelligence!
1. Practicing Valaya Sarán© directly before a meditation, can deepen the meditation noticeably
2. Practicing Valaya Sarán© a few minutes before an important appointment can create a more constructive, confident mood and reduce stress.
3. Valaya Sarán© has calmed animals and small children, users report.
4. Accompanied by Valaya Sarán©, healing energy work can have a noticeably more intense effect.
5. Unpleasant tasks of daily life are subjectively completed much faster when Valaya Sarán© is practiced during them.
6. If Valaya Sarán© is practiced for a few minutes before a time of learning, learning is easier, users write.
7. If Valaya Sarán© is practiced while watering flowers, plants often thrive better and pest infestations are reduced, I have been told.
8. Using Valaya Sarán© for a few minutes after work helps to let go of thoughts of work and to emotionally tune into good free time.
9. If creativity is not working, a few minutes of Valaya Sarán© can change that, satisfied users write to me.
If you are not yet initiated in Valaya Sarán© and you feel addressed after reading this article, you can register here for free.
If you would like to be further supported by me in this wonderful development process, then you can subscribe to my newsletter “Walter Lübeck – Rainbow Inspirations”, if you haven’t already done so, because there will be further information about Valaya Sarán© and possibly additions to it. The Angels of the Valaya Sarán© are very busy and keep me busy….
News of any kind you will basically find out in my newsletter and on Facebook.
Important! Always check if you are on the right language page of my homepage when you sign up for my newsletter in the registration process for Valaya Sarán©. Otherwise you may receive the newsletter in the wrong language.
If you want to subscribe directly to my newsletter “Walter Lübeck – Rainbow Inspirations” you can do so here…
I can also recommend the free translation app, if you don’t understand or speak English or German very well. You can use it for the registration as well as for the PDF’s in the confirmation mail.
You can get further free support for the Valaya Sarán© with the angel light videos inserted below…
Heartfelt greetings
Your Walter