In the 1st degree of Usui Reiki the whole treatment is taught.
According to the experience of many users, the complete treatment is the basis for the feel-good program that Reiki can be.
No matter what it is about: with the Reiki whole treatment, so the experience of many users, the well-being can be improved, relaxation returns, immune system and metabolism are normalized holistically, learning is easier and digestion can be improved. Many people report that they can also sleep better and suddenly realize that they can think about the problems of their life in a constructive and solution-oriented way.
In this way difficulties can often be overcome better and faster. For many people, the whole treatment is a good accompaniment to massages, a good preparation for sports activities, and is also very suitable for going downhill after training and optimally implementing the training stimulus.
So far, so good!
But the problem is to touch the 17 or more positions with your hands for 3 minutes or more each time and thus transfer Reiki. You fall asleep quickly after the first positions and so you stop applying Reiki to the remaining parts of the body. And when it comes to an application in a mental healing practice, an appropriate rate has to be paid for the one to one and a half hours that such a great Reiki session lasts. Especially when a lot of Reiki is needed to support a comprehensive harmonisation, this can cost a lot of money – because the user has to spend a lot of time.
In Rainbow Reiki® there is a great, easy to use solution for all these difficulties:
It is called Marayana Sayi®. And it is only available at Rainbow Reiki®. Because I have invented it!
With this unique application all positions of the whole body treatment are built up in 2-4 minutes. Then it is time to enjoy 20 minutes! Because that is exactly how long the Marayana Sayi® runs. It ends alone after this time with grounding and chakra balancing and aura cleansing.
Since Reiki flows simultaneously in all positions for 20 minutes, the effect is fantastic!
And I have had the energetic effects documented in elaborate studies by Professor Ignatov, a scientist specialized in the research of mental healing and Reiki.
The results are clearly positive and convincing; on the high-resolution aura photos, there is much more energy to be found in the client and the user after the Marayana Sayi®. Of course this observation does not allow any medical conclusions! Because the connection between an increase of the vital spiritual energy in the body and an increase of its vibration and effects on health has not been proven by science so far.
Reach several receivers simultaneously in 2-4 minutes!
But it gets even better, because the Marayana Sayi® is a fully valid Reiki remote application, also for several persons, animals at the same time! For all recipients, the Marayana Sayi® can be set up simultaneously in only 2-4 minutes. And then everyone can enjoy. There is no need for any introduction in the mind, no hand posture, no attention by the user during the time of Marayana Sayi® after setup.
And there is even more: special positions can be set up as macros and can be called up for the following Marayana Sayi® applications simply by means of a special name.
The energetic effects of difficult situations can be normalized easily and safely by means of so-called “soulhunting”, as many who have attended the 1st degree of Rainbow Reiki® report.
There is “Reiki to drink”! For this purpose, water or other drinks are charged with special Rainbow Reiki® Healing Songs; this water can also be used as an auraspray, animals like it very much in my experience and it does you good.
And all this is already available in the 1st degree Rainbow Reiki®!
Every licensed Rainbow Reiki® Master teaches the fantastic Marayana Sayi® in the 1st degree seminar. Many call this method also “quantum light bath”, because a light-full feeling in body and mind is created. If you want to know more about it and if you are interested in Rainbow Reiki® seminars – there are almost 20 different ones – then have a look at the web for “Licensed Rainbow Reiki®” Masters”. You will also find a list of them on my website and of course also seminars on the subject with me.
Because of the many groundbreaking developments of Rainbow Reiki®, more and more people are using Rainbow Reiki® as the next step on their Reiki path.
Because Reiki is too good not to learn all about it!
Rainbow Reiki® can change your life where conventional Reiki could not – at least that’s what I hear again and again from enthusiastic people who use Rainbow Reiki®.
Greetings, Walter Lübeck